About Dave and Brenda

Reiki Master Teachers

Certified Quantum Touch® Practitioners

Co-founders of the Center for Energy Therapies


Dave is a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Practitioner and Instructor of Quantum-Touch, graphic designer, writer, teacher and speaker. He taught metaphysics in Indianapolis, St. Louis and Springfield, Missouri. He has lectured to groups all over the Midwest on a variety of metaphysical topics. Plus, he has appeared on radio and TV. Dave is available for private sessions.

Brenda is an ordained interfaith minister, Intuitive Consultant, Reiki Master/instructor, Quantum-Touch Certified Practitioner. She spent two years as a hospice volunteer and the first to use Reiki in the organizations volunteer program. She and her twin sister are co-authors of a spiritual autobiography: The Living Code; Deciphering Life’s Spiritual Messages by Learning to Live From the Heart. She is available for private sessions, classes and lectures.


Our address is: 706 S. Marlan Avenue, Springfield, Missouri 65802.

Text to: 417-631-3419

E-mail: brenda@reikimissouri.com
